Friday, March 17, 2017

Fan Girl Idiots - Part Two of Day Three at the Ponderosa II

The answer to the subject line is - a DANG big one.  The good news was, we had a lot of company!  There were 38 other people just as nuts as us about Bonanza and the Cartwrights.

So, we returned to our room and gussied up a bit for the dance, donning our 19th century  I actually had to pay for a checked bag JUST to bring the costumes.  I think they weighed about 20 lbs by themselves.  Of course, being an historical interpreter, I had to bring along the underpinnings including pantalettes, two slips, a corset and corset cover and my corded petticoat. No partridge in a pear tree though.  

Once at the house we all settled in for the night's activities.  This started with the meal and a cake dedicated to the event and then it was on to the show.  And yes, sadly, we had our own Elvis (LOL, just kidding about the sad part!)

So, you are thinking - cute photos, but where does the fan-girl part come in.  WELL......that evening there was an auction.  There were a few neat items, but the only one I wanted to bid on wasn't about to fit in my suitcase.  It was Little Joe!  Yes, Joe Cartwright was on the auction block and, well, Sonya was just  SO excited.  (You know me, I was quietly elated.)

By the time the auction began, I was pretty wiped out.  Having decided I could not - or should not - bid on the handsome youngest Cartwright, since he no doubt would have complained about being stuffed in my suitcase, I went to the sun room to watch an episode.  The bidding was hot and heavy.  Sonya was standing to the back, near me but watching the auction proceedings.  And then I heard it - next up for auction is Little Joe.  Oh, my heart be still.  

If only.....

A few minutes later I heard the gavel come down (figuratively) and Little Joe had been sold.  Ooh, that sounds bad, doesn't it?  Then, to my surprise (and just ask Sonya about my face!) I heard the name of the winner was Sonya.

Some OTHER Sonya I'm thinking.  

But no, it was the Sonya I knew, the nut.  She couldn't let Little Joe go to anyone else.  I was happy for her, of course, and REALLY jealous.  I wanted to own that boy!  And then - second surprise - she told me that Joe would have to reside at my house because her ferocious Chihuahuas would eat him.  

Now wasn't that too just too bad.....

Before heading out for the last time from the Ponderosa II, the owners wanted a photo shoot with the Cartwrights they were parting with and the women who had paid for them.  (For the Wild West that sounds kind of backwards, doesn't it?  Women paying for men....)  So, here we are on the porch with the other winners.  Is it worse, you think, for two women to share one young man, than for there to be just one owner??????

Sonya and Marla with their man.

Look at that arched eyebrow.  

All the auction winners.  The lady who won Adam had two more at home!!!! 

The boys on the last day at the Ponderosa II.  

We had supper with Joe when we got back to the resort.  The waitresses were quite impressed with his stolid, strong silent presence (and the gun....)

Okay.  Quite an adventure, you say.  This was NOTHING compared to getting Joe back to Troy. Remember?  The reason I was not going to bid was that the boy refused to get in my suitcase.  

Sonya did not think of this. 

Now, many of you know I pack items for a living due to handling our online store.  Shipping a 5' 9" man to Troy OH from Arizona is not an easy thing to do, even folded.  (Ouch!)  So a day later, when we had time, we went to the UPS store.  I walked in and asked what it would cost to ship a 5' 9" man to OH.  

At least I got a good laugh out of the clerk.

The kid was really very sweet - and actually he was laughing pretty hard.  (Fan-girls, remember?)  He puzzled for a moment about how to state the contents.  Finally, he put down 'cardboard man'.  I had a suggestion, but kept it to myself.  

How about 'cardboard Greek god.....?????

So, to skip ahead a week, Little Joe arrived on my doorstep seven days after I got home.  I freed him (well, from the box, but not from being owned) and he took up residence in my living room where he has remained until this day.  I just look up from time to time and sigh. 

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, hat and indoor

Next time: Sonya and Marla Get Saddle-sore

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